Home » 30 Day Challenge » 30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 21

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 21

30 Day Blog Challenge

30 Day Blog Challenge

For this day’s challenge I’m supposed to share a photo of something that makes me happy. There are a lot of things that make me happy. And it’s hard to show that in a picture. It’s the smell of rain. Actually it’s the smell right before it rains, when it rains, and right after it rains! The smell of a freshly moved lawn. It’s something about the smell of the gasoline from mover and the gas, it just makes a nice combo. I love it when I take towels out of the dryer, put them on the bed, and just lay down in them.

Something else that makes me happy is listening to music. I have a playlist that helps me go to sleep at night whenever my mind is too loud. I use the soundtrack to the newest Pride & Prejudice movie. Any music from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies also makes me really happy. Like brings me to tears happy. It just brings on so many emotions. Howard Shore does an amazing job. ( I think that I’ve said that same thing in a post before.) Those are definitely things that you show with a photo!


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